- World launch of Psychotronic Art by Irene Caesar: Jubilee Public Lecture “Man-Sun”, world launch of Psychotronic Art by Irene Caesar: Presentation of Irene Caesar’s studio-quality photographs, coded with the text of Irene Caesar’s Manifesto “Man-Sun” via lasers of the Institute for National Security in Moscow for the first time in the history of art, as Video Installations, Museum of Modern Art, Petrovka 25, Moscow
- The New York Publishing House 'Three Rooms Press" publishes Irene Caesar's conceptual photograph "Kirill Svetlyakov contributes to Roy Lichtenstein" in their journal "Maintenant: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art" in 2013. The portrait is of Kirill Svetlyakov, the Head of the Contemporary Art Department of the State Tretyakov Gallery, the major museum of Russia. The portrait was produced as the absurd role game, documented by studio photography
- One-hour interview for Boris Tenzer, RTV, January 14
- Tiziana Andina included irene Caesar's artwork "Madonna Liberated" (2008) in her book "The Philosophy of Art: The Question of Definition From Hegel to Post-Dantian Theories," published by Bloomsbury
- IRENE CAESAR: POSITIVE REASSESSMENT OF SOVIETISM: Irene Caesar’s, Ph.D., talk on POST-SOVIET-ISM" at the Founding Meeting for POST-SOVIET-ISM, Anton Kandinsky's Studio, Chelsea, New York, January 8th
- Film “Yury Samodurov about Irene Caesar”: Yury Samodurov, curator at the National Center for Contemporary Art, the former director of the Andrei Sakharov Museum in Moscow, and one of major Russian dissidents, cries when he speaks about Irene Caesar’s series of conceptual portraits of dissidents "Dissidents in the Style of Dissent," produced as absurd role games documented by photography
- On October 12, Irene Caesar, Ph.D., voiced out her “Manifesto of Absurd Critical Realism” at the opening of the Group Show "ONTIME" representing artworks of the nominees for The LomonosovArt Prize, yearly awarded by the Moscow University, named after M. V. Lomonosov, for the Intellectual Achievements in Art (October 12-14, 2012), in which she participated with her portrait of Arthur Danto as an absurd role game “Arthur Danto Contributes to Damien Hirst’s Spot Paintings” (2010), Gallery LomArt, Sub-department "Aesthetics: Art Business", Philosophy Department, Moscow University
- Irene Caesar, Ph.D., gives interview to Natalia Bychkova, curator for the Group Show "ONTIME" of the nominees for The LomonosovArt Prize, yearly awarded by the Moscow University, named after M. V. Lomonosov, for the Intellectual Achievements in Art (October 12-14, 2012), Gallery LomArt, Sub-department "Aesthetics: Art Business", Philosophy Department Moscow University, October 12
- Public lecture “Matrix City” at the Harriman Institute, Columbia University, NYC, September 13
- Irene Caesar's solo show "Anthropretation" at the Harriman Institute of the Columbia University (September 10 - October 13, 2012) is reviewed by Georgia Lipkin in the Journal "The Birch" of the Columbia University
- Interview “Persona Grata” for Mikhail Gusev, NTV-America, September 14
- Essay by Arthur Danto about Irene Caesar "Art Figures as Artworks: a new series of photographic portraits by Irene Caesar" (2010) published as “Trickster’s Commentary’ in the “Dialogue of Arts”, an official art journal of the Museum of Modern Arts in Moscow (MMOMA) (#2, April 2012, pp. 68-70) together with his conceptual portraits by Irene Caesar in the style of absurdist role games, and portraits of A.D. Coleman, the patriarch of photo criticism in the United States, Carter Ratcliff, the leading art critic of the “Art in America”, Dan Cameron, the former director of the New Museum in New York, and director of the American Biennale, and Grady Turner, the art critic for “Art News” and former director of Sex Museum in New York
- Irene Caesar, Ph.D. “Manifesto: Human Rights? - On the Holographic Principle of globalization” (Irene Caesar on a new principle for social philosophy) (August 30)
- Video dialogues with leading artists and art critics about contemporary art, such as Yury Samodurov (curator for the State Center for Contemporary Art, Moscow, the former director of the Andrei Sakharov Museum); Andrey Tolstoy (Vice President of the State Pushkin Museum, Moscow); Kirill Svetlyakov (Head of the Contemporary Art Department at the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow), Dmitry Plavinsky, German Vinogradov, Alexey Belyaev Guintovt and others for the Archive of the Museum of Modern Art, Moscow:
- Irene Caesar’s Manifesto "DEATH OF POSTMODERNISM" delivered as a speech at her solo show "The Artworld: Arthur Danto's conceptual history in the role games by an absurdist Irene Caesar," produced by the Sub-department "Aesthetics: Art Business," Philosophy Department, Moscow University in the Moscow Center for Photography, April 10. The exhibit included the presentation of Irene Caesar’s video dialogue with Arthur Danto "Irene Caesar asks Arthur Danto about the End of Art" (2010)
- Series of lectures “Problems of Identification and Interpretation of Contemporary Art” and video installation at the Philosophy Department of the Moscow University, Aesthetics Sub-department, Russian Federation, February-March 2012. In the framework of the series of lectures, Irene Caesar made public her “Manifesto Death of Postmodernism” as a public lecture, published by the Moscow University as a video on its web site
- Interview for “Credo” with Svetlana Vais “Gospel of Alex Melamid” about the project with the participation of Alexander Melamid (May)
- Public Lecture “The Role of Woman in Art”, and Public Lecture: “Irene Caesar: Antropretation” at the Second International Festival of Culture “Aqua-Fest”, Sukhum, Abkhazia (May)
- Interview for the Abkhazian TV (May)
- Interview for Russian Mind (London) “Irene Caesar: Art as Shock Therapy” (March)
- Irene Caesar’s conceptual photograph "In Principio Erat Verbum" is published in the "Maintenant 6" – a Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing & Art in NYC, Spring 2012 (Three Rooms Press)
- Article “Breath Holograms by Irene Caesar” by the Art Foundation "Art Project" about Irene Caesar's absurdist art-action "Last Breath" – the role game, which enacted the famous American water torture -- waterboarding. Articles contains also the text by Matvey Krylov, who participated in the art action in the role of a “victim.” Matvey Krylov became a sort of a symbol for the political opposition in Russia. It was he who had first cried out the now-famous words "We will not Forget! We will not Forgive!" when he splashed a prosecutor with water on a court door step (February)
- Public Lecture and video installation by Irene Caesar "People of Art as Objects of Art", Moscow Department of Culture, Department of Culture of the Central Administrative District, Moscow State Institution of Culture, Exhibition Hall "Gallery A3", Moscow (February)
- Irene Caesar’s Talk “Principal Survival notwithstanding the Death of Art and the Art of Death” at the Conference “Languages of Social Sciences: Philosophy and Sociology in the Search for Dialogue,” Russian State Academy of National Economics and State Service, Moscow, Russian Federation (November)
- Irene Caesar’ Interview (and Showcase) with Geo Geller “People of Art as Objects of Art,” Chelsea, New York (Fall)
- A video dialogue between Irene Caesar and Arthur Danto about the end of art, Vitaly Komar and the elephants, spot painting by Damien Hirst and the Brillo Box (Fall)
- Ekaterina Dais, “Caesar, Shpuk and Vagabonds,” Ex Libris, Independent Newspaper (in Russian, “Nezavisimaya Gazeta”) (October 6)
- Interview with Claudia Schwalb and Salondagmara (September):
- Interview with Oleg Sulkin for the Voice of America “Irene Caesar: I do not have a right to hide behind the camera” (September 26)
- Video Interview for the Kolodzei Art Foundation on the occasion of the participation in the group show "Concerning the Spiritual Tradition in Russian Art: Selections from the Kolodzei Art Foundation" at the Chelsea Art Museum, NY (April)
- Video film: “Irene Caesar makes a video statement on her project “Dissent:”
- Video film “Irene Caesar shooting Father Michael Meerson for the film “Dissidents”
- Interview and Showcase: The Art Assassin 2 - a nonfiction novel by Albert Wang in the form of interviews with artists “A Portrait of the Artist as Joan of Arc, or the Ideological Provocateur: Irene Caesar”
- Interview and Showcase with Dmitry Volchek "Non-conformism is Alive" on “Radio Svoboda (Freedom)” in the Program "Above Barriers" on her project "Dissent" - portraits of dissidents in the style of dissent, and its appearance in the film "Dissidents" by Victor Balashov (an important Soviet-era dissident and political prisoner), done in collaboration with Irene Caesar as photography director (August). Click here to hear the sound for the interview
- "Madonna Liberated" and "Salvation Now" by Irene Caesar make their appearance, along a few others, in the video by the Voice of America recorded at the opening of the group show of forty artists "Concerning the Spiritual Tradition in Russian Art: Selections from the Kolodzei Art Foundation" in the Chelsea Art Museum (Apr. 14-May 5th), NY, where Irene Caesar participates with these two works
- “The Templar” by Irene Caesar (conceptual portrait of Edmund Voyer, the Prior of the Knights Templar, NYC) on the cover of the book by Ekaterina Dais "John Fowles and mysterial tradition," М.: Club Castalie, 2011. – 244 p. (published April), which is included into the list of the best books of the 3rd week of April by the "Nezavisimaia Gazeta," Russia
- Interview for RUNY Web and Showcase: “My Ideological Struggle” (Kate Bychkova interviews Irene Caesar, January
- TV3 Boston Interview and Showcase: “Lena Neva interviews Irene Caesar for the Program MEETING INTERESTING PEOPLE, December. Click here to see a video
- TV3 Boston Interview and Showcase RUSSIAN TIME, November. Click here to see a video
- Video Film "Arthur Danto talking about Irene Caesar"
- Arthur Danto’s essay on Irene Caesar "Art Figures as Artworks of Art: a new series of photographic portraits by Irene Caesar - Trickster’s Commentary”
- NTV-AMERICA: Mikhail Gusev interviews Irene Caesar for the Program PERSONA GRATA, August 2010. Click here to see a video or click here to read as a pdf file
- RESPONSES (Wanderlustmind) Showcase and Interview,* August 2010. Click here to view or click here to read as a pdf file
- John Haber, "Critic Victorious," Review of Irene Caesar's Project "People of Art as Objects of Art," NEW.YORK.ART.CRIT., August 2010
- Ekaterina Dais, "The Return of The Great Goddess," essay about Irene Caesar, magazine LADY BOSS, #14, July 2010, p. 44. Click here to read the English translation as a pdf file
- “In defense of Aristotle's notion of happiness against the Chriitian model of happiness,” Paper presented at the Annual International Philosophy Conference, Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 2010
- “Why we should not be unhappy about happiness via Aristotle” (The functionalist account of Aristotle’s notion of eudaimonia), Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, February 2010 ISBN 3838344995 (978-3838344997). Click here to buy on
- IN TO VIEWS Showcase and Interview,* January 2010. Click here to view or click here to read as a pdf file
- VASA Online Gallery Talk,* December 2009 Click here to see a video
- A NEW HISTORY OF IDEAS IN PICTURES, Film by Anna Dadiomov. Click here to see the video
- “Why we should not be unhappy about happiness via Aristotle” (The functionalist account of Aristotle’s notion of eudaimonia), Doctoral Thesis, CUNY Graduate Center
- “Confined Verse”, Book of Poetry, St. Petersburg University Press / Institute for the Humanities Press, ISBN 5888121355 (5-88812-135-5)
- The New Yorker, Nov.1, 2004, The Publication of “To My Son” Poem
- “Proportion as a True Principle of Aristotle’s eudaimonia”, Paper presented at the Philosophy Department Colloquia Series, CUNY Graduate Center, NY
- “On Neoplatonic influence in the Shakespearean Sonnets”, Paper presented at the Philosophy Department Colloquia Series, CUNY Graduate Center, NY
- “Why so many philosophers are unhappy with happiness via Aristotle”, Paper presented at the Conference of the New Jersey Association of Philosophy, Fall Meeting
- “Leonardo the Trickster”, Essay Published in Aurora, The Philosophy Dept. Journal, CUNY Graduate Center, Jan. 2000
- New York Open Center, Catalogue, SoHo, NY
- “St. Petersburg 93”, Catalogue, “Manej”/Central Exhibition Hall, Coordinating Council for the Creation of the Museum of Contemporary Art, St. Petersburg
- “Art of Spirits”, Book On the Visionary Art & Catalogue of Paintings by Irene Caesar (Ivan Fyodorov Press)
- Documentary Film about Irene Caesar in the Program “Parallels”, Russian Television; film was repeated on Russian Television Show “The Fifth Wheel” and on St. Petersburg TV
- Telecast about Irene Caesar in the TV Program “Autograph of the Day” with the participation of Oleg Pokrovsky, the scholar of Russian avant-garde, and the disciple and biographer of Pavel Filonov, St. Petersburg TV
- Telecast about Irene Caesar on “600 Seconds”, St. Petersburg TV
- Telecast about Irene Caesar on “Tele-Courier”, St. Petersburg TV
- Interviews with Irene Caesar on St. Petersburg Radio, Programs “Publicist” & “Day After Day”
- Radiocast about Irene Caesar on “Radio Russia”
Articles about Irene Caesar in Russian Newspapers: “Neva News” (English-language press), “Smena”, “Vechernij Petersburg”, “University” (the official newspaper of St. Petersburg University)